Here are some free resources to help you get going.
No matter where you're at in your yoga teaching journey, these can help you re-focus and take a step back to really consider the best way forward for you.
I promise you - taking time out to read and actually do some of the exercises in these resources could make the difference between you hitting the ground running and struggling.
3 Steps to Finding Your Own Voice as a Yoga Teacher and Developing a Thriving Yoga Career, in 12 Months or Less, Without Quitting your Current Job
In this interactive guide, find some powerful exercises to help you set the foundations for any yoga business
you want to build.

The truth is, 99% of would be yoga teachers won't do this - which puts YOU ahead of the game.
Access for FREE on Kindle.
Free Guide - Finding Your Yoga "Niche" So You Stand Out From The Crowd

In this guide, I will help you find out who your ideal students are - the students you are meant to serve.
Value : $7
Free Guide - Developing Your "Avatar" To Find Your Ideal Students

In this guide, I will help you find out who your ideal students are - the students you are meant to serve.
Value : $7
Your 13 Point Checklist for Launching Your First Yoga Classes
Download this simple checklist and see what you might be missing to ensure a successful launch of your own yoga classes.
I guarantee you - the more of these you tick off, the more successful and ready you will be!

Value: $7
8 Questions To Ask Yourself BEFORE You Apply To Teach Yoga At A Gym Or Yoga Studio

This checklist will help you decide if working at a gym or yoga studio is right for you.
Value : $7
Your 20 Point Checklist For Choosing the Right Yoga Teacher Training Course

This checklist will help you think things through more methodically and choose the best course for you.
Value : $7
6 Key Tips to Fill your Yoga Workshops or Retreats
Running yoga retreats and workshops can be a lucrative addition to the offerings for your students but in my view they are NOT for the faint hearted or inexperienced teacher!
In this guide, you'll learn 6 keys to filling your yoga workshops or retreats.

Join us on our mission to build a community of yoga teachers helping each other reach more students, change more lives, and build successful yoga careers of their own.

I've set up a Facebook group specifically to support like-minded practitioners of yoga who want to develop a career or business around their passion.
Designed initially to help answer any questions you may have from working through some of the exercises I encourage you to do, I hope this will also become a space where yoga teachers from all walks of life, with all levels of experience and expertise, can share their successes, their challenges and their stories - so we can build a community which supports and encourages everyone in it to live to their fullest potential.
The more we get out there and share how yoga has benefited our lives - the more we can change the lives of others for the better too!