Yoga Teacher Programme


Webinar 1: 
The 7 key steps to building a thriving yoga career AND your confidence.


You will learn:

  • The 3 biggest mistakes I see yoga teachers make when they’re getting started.
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    An overview to the 7 key steps you need to take – IN THE RIGHT ORDER – to launch and fill your yoga classes right from the start. 
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    Why advertising of ANY sort – be it social media, setting up your website, doing flyers or even what you say to people when they ask you “what do you do?” should NEVER be done until step 6 of the 7!
    (And believe me – over 90% of yoga teachers get this horribly wrong! Which puts YOU at an advantage!)

Click below to download your resources

Webinar 2: How to attract the students you were meant to serve; fill your classes quickly and have them coming back for more!

On this training your will learn:

  • Digging in to the mind-set of success. Creating your Sankalpa – and learning your WHY.
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    Why people don’t buy yoga – and what they buy instead!
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    Why you must niche – and how to find yours!
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    How to attract students instead of feeling like you have to push to promote your classes. The art of positioning instead of chasing or prospecting.
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    How to create your student “avatar” – the key to EVERYTHING you will say from now on!!
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    An introduction to pricing – some keys to getting it right.
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    It’s OK to dream – but let’s get real too!
    Why you need to reverse engineer your business – and how to do that quickly and esily.
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    Tips for finding spaces to teach.

Call Resources will be loaded before each call

Webinar 3: How to price and create a successful launch of your classes

On this training your will learn:

  • How your mind-set around money can keep you poor – and what you need to do about it!
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    5 BIG mistakes I see around pricing
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    Why I don’t endorse free taster sessions – and why you shouldn’t too. (There are other ways you can give back.)
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    Why community and personal service can help you increase your value and support higher prices.
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    The two types of launch – and which one you MUST avoid!
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    5 key ingredients for a successful launch of a new class.
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    How to write adverts/website copy or any other promotional material which works!!!

Call Resources will be loaded before each call

Webinar 4: Advertising your yoga classes for success and preparing to grow your business AND your confidence!

On this training your will learn:

  • 5 secrets to successful advertising
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    6 low or no cost ways to advertise your classes
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    Creating your website – some key tips.
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    5 ways to build loyalty
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    Becoming professional in your business – the systems and processes you need to get in place up front.
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    Key tips on where to get support in your business as and when you grow.

Call Resources will be loaded before each call

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