Thank you very much for your interest in
How to build a profitable, part-time yoga business teaching students in mid life to
later years.
I really look forward to sharing what I've learned from over a decade of working with this niche.
It could be the start of a fulfilling and rewarding yoga career for you too.
Watch out for a little more information about this event prior to the live training itself, as well as re-sending the links to the live Zoom calls, but here's an overview of how to access this training:
There are two LIVE training sessions. These will be a mix of sharing some of the key things I've learned about how to structure a solid foundation for your business in this niche, as well as an opportunity for you to really ask questions and be coached on the call.
NOTE: I only run these free live coaching sessions 2 or 3 times a year, so if you can make it live that's your chance to dig in and ask any questions you may have and be coached on the call.
(And have a pen/paper handy - I promise I will share some nuggets you may find really useful.)
Session 1:
How to build a profitable, part-time yoga business teaching students in mid life to later years - the path...
Date: Wednesday 27th December at 11 am GMT
Session 2:
12 weeks to build the foundations for a part time business which generates between £2 to £4k sterling per month in this niche.
Date: Thursday 28th December at 11 am GT
Something you can watch straight away to give you a little taste of some of the things I share with yoga teachers who work with me.
Here's a 10 minute training I've run as part of a short 5 day challenge programme which helps teachers identify which of 4 possible stages of business they're at, and helping them to decide what to focus on.
If you've found yourself overwhelmed, spinning your wheels, posting endlessly (and fruitlessly) on Facebook or Instagram) this just might be illuminating - and gives you a feel for me and how I roll!
Here's the training for the four stages of building a yoga business. Which stage are you and where should you focus your time and energy for quickest results?
I hope it's useful and I look forward to sharing more on the 27th December!
2025 Shona Garner. All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy