Sign Up_October 23 _teaching mid lifers webinar - Yoginiors

In the lull between Christmas and New Year
Join this free, live training and coaching with me....  

How to build a profitable, part-time yoga business teaching students in mid-life to later years. 

Let's help you  make 2024 emotionally AND financially rewarding...

(Yes! Those 2 things CAN co-exist peacefully together! Let me show you how.)

Here's what you will learn:

✔ How to create and fill offerings for students in 2024 that really work and make a real difference to people as they age.

✔ 7 KEY steps to mastering the ability to be able to generate REGULAR and SUSTAINABLE income from your  teaching.

✔ How to build a business around your life, NOT the other way round.

✔ From someone who’s been successfully teaching this niche for over a decade; starting in her 60’s, no Instagram model and no tech wizard either!

Simply complete the form below and you'll receive details to register for the Zoom training as well as access to the recordings if you cannot make the training event live.
Look forward to seeing you there!

2024 Shona Garner.  All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy