Pathway to Profit as a Part-Time Yoga Teacher
Fed up and disheartened with erratic or falling student numbers?
Overwhelmed or unsure where to focus your limited time?
Let's help you change all that with this FREE 5 day challenge PLUS coach support.
- Get FAR MORE focused (and far less overwhelmed & disheartened.)
- Learn the 5 keys to attracting students and generating income more quickly so you can relax and grow your business
- Understand how to generate more enquiries to work with YOU as opposed to the other teacher down the road.
- Come away with your own, personal and crystal clear plan of action to fill your classes FAST and build a PROPER business, NOT an "expensive hobby.".
Seriously, if you're fed up and disheartened of erratic or falling student numbers at your classes, learn where you may be making things harder on yourself and get back on track to making a SUSTAINABLE income in just 5 days.
NO overwhelm. NO spending hours on stuff that's bogging you down but not actually producing results.
Just CLARITY about the quickest path for YOU to build a part-time yoga business which sustains you financially (and emotionally) AND gives you balance in your life.
Learn from someone who started at 60, is now in her 70's and has been generating an income of between £35-£40k a year teaching just 6 to 10 classes a week for the last decade. (With long holidays and weekends off!)
- You'll find out which of the 4 stages of building a yoga business you're REALLY at - so you can get clear about what YOUR priorities need to be for the next 3 to 6 months. (And they may not be what you thought and you'd be surprised at how much you can ditch!!)
- NO "dumping" a whole load of "stuff" on you, leaving you feeling just a bit overwhelmed. I believe in two things - let's get you walking before you run and let's get you feeling like you're actually making progress as QUICKLY as possible.
The truth is, you AND the students you were meant to serve, will benefit from that.
- Learn how to MAKE A LIVING, and get the important stuff done WITHOUT burning yourself out and losing your "mojo."
Here's what people have to say about Shona:

Carmen Bratton
"I met Shona just as I opened my small yoga studio, I was struggling with cash flow. Shona's advice has worked so well, it has helped me bring in new students and maintain a regular cash flow...she has helped me grow in confidence and to know my worth. I cannot recommend Shona enough, she shares her knowledge with passion and understanding. !!"
"Shona has helped me to explore some of my fears and dreams and how to put a clear action plan in place to make some changes for the better whilst being mindful of practical reality and what I really want. It is really helpful to have an experienced, empathic mentor like Shona who can also focus in on the details of how to become established as a yoga teacher in a smart way that works for you."

Joanne Derbyshire
"You are a breath of fresh air! I've just listened to you explaining the story of the 2 boys catching birds - and realised I was frantically throwing my net in the air! Thank you for the inspiration."
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