(And 10% of all proceeds will go to Phoenix Women's Aid Doncaster, for those struggling more than most at this time.)
How to bring strength, flexibility and calm to body, heart and mind, even - no, especially in tough times.
Your challenge over the next 30 days, should you choose to accept it, is to develop, learn and integrate yoga poses, practices, techniques and other helpful health rituals into your life, which will bring strength, flexibility and calm to your body, heart and mind, so you weather not only the current storm of Covid-19, but whatever life throws at you.
8 Live-stream classes over 4 weeks with recordings this course is far more than teaching and practising yoga poses. This course introduces you to some of what I believe are the leading speakers and experts today in psychology, philosophy, meditation and mindfulness, health and personal growth. These amazing speakers teach techniques and ideas which, should you choose to embrace them, could seriously improve your health and well-being.
They did mine.

- A structured programme of teaching running over 4 weeks. Tailored to suit the abilities and experience of those who come, although it is helpful if you have at least some basic knowledge and experience of yoga. This programme will give you an opportunity to really build a personal practice and set of habits, both on and off the mat, to increase your resilience.
So, if you've practised a little yoga before, you'll be able to follow this programme. - 2 Live-stream classes with me every week for 4 weeks. Tuesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 6pm. (Easy to access – if you’re a technophobe like me – I promise all you have to do is click a link and you’ll be able to join our “virtual” room!)
- Recordings of each class so you don’t miss a thing. If you can’t make a session you’ll have access to an innovative space where all recordings will be stored! NO excuses for not getting on your mat!
Each week is a different theme:
- Week 1: Rising to the challenge! Both the work you do on the on the mat and the resources you get this week will focus on what we can do to help us prepare for challenging times. Learn the 3 key mindsets you absolutely need to embrace when facing challenge, and the psychology behind how to manage your state effectively.

- Week 2: Bringing calm to the storm. What happens exactly to our bodies when we feel tension or stress? This week we take a deep dive into understanding how stress affect us, but more importantly, how much control we can exert over managing this without the need for prescription medicine. Learn a range of simple yoga techniques as well as other simple, yet practical strategies which can help you not only deal with immediate anxiety or tension but increase your resilience overall. If you think you haven’t time; if your brain finds it hard to switch off……you probably need this week!

- Week 3: Bringing out the warrior in you! A week of stronger poses to strengthen our core and our mental resiience. the Warrior is a regular pose practised in most yoga classes; great because it is accessible to almost any body at any level; and this week we'll practise a wonderful strong sequence to help you feel grounded, strong and stable. But you'll also dive into the mindset of the archetype of the Warrior; and what it means in terms of how you approach life's often messy and challenging times. What can we learn from Bruce Lee or Brene Brown which might help us in our own journey?

- Week 4: Staying flexible for life. Flexibility isn’t just about our body – it’s also about having a mindset which can be really useful in challenging times. This week focuses on poses for flexibility, as well as giving you an opportunity to consolidate your learning and create your own personal well-being plan going forward.

- Drip-fed content so you don't get overwhelmed, using a unique online teaching platform which helps you set your own goals and scores how well you're doing!
Hopefully, the mix of live-stream classes, (and recordings!) the opportunity for reflection, interesting videos and speakers to watch and listen to, will spark new thoughts and ideas about how to not only make the most of your time in "lock-down" but how you emerge at the other side.........there's never been a better opportunity for personal growth..... - An innovative resource platform which not only stores all the recordings of the classes and all the videos and materials for the programme, but which lets you track your progress too! Sometimes we don’t give ourselves credit for what we’ve actually done. See the progress you make so you can give yourself a pat on the back! That's what will help keep you motivated to continue.
- Access to the Yoga over 45 Facebook community where we can continue to share inspirational or funny stories, post progress, ask questions and just keep in touch. No-one should feel isolated at this time.
And finally; the current Covid-19 situation is not only a challenge - it's an opportunity: for new thinking; for more collaboration and for more willingness to support those who may be even more vulnerable at this time. So 10% of all income generated from this programme will go to a local Women's refuge, Phoenix Women's Aid who are seeing a dramatic increase in need at this time.
I know some of you are not techies! Well, here’s the thing! Neither am I!! When you sign up you will be able to ask for any help you need if you have problems with the tech. I've time on my hands too!
But times like this provide us with an opportunity to perhaps try something new; we certainly have more time on our hands to learn a new skill – and you never know – it might prove to have been a useful learning curve even when this crisis is over!
Access to the full programme is £45.
(With 10% to Phoenix Women's Aid, Doncaster.)