Want to go "pro" as a yoga teacher 

but struggling to fill your classes and make a sustainable living from your yoga teaching?


More Students.    More Impact.    More Income.

Learn how to STAND OUT AS A YOGA TEACHER, fill your classes, grow a thriving community AND BUILD THE FOUNDATIONS FOR REGULAR income and a successful yoga teacher career.

This programme is a different experience in the world of online training with a very specific mission in mind and a unique approach to support...

  • Learn how to rapidly build a local yoga business from scratch (even if you've never run classes of your own before), to over £1,000 profit per month or a whole lot more, teaching no more than 4 to 9 classes a week - so you can earn a decent living part-time or use your new skills to grow your business further should you choose. 

  • No dumping a whole load of information on you and leaving you to get on with it on your own. Bite size chunks of learning; coaching support and tracking your progress through a totally unique and innovative training platform designed to help you make real progress and increase your confidence as you go.

  • Over 90 days, I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know (and no more !) to help you get the foundations of a thriving business in place AND support you as you go.  

  • This is about learning to walk before you run: about understanding the quickest way to sustainable income as a yoga teacher, so you can rest easy knowing the bills are paid, and then scale or diversify should you want to.  (Some of you might just prefer the freedom and work-life balance a steady income and part-time teaching gives you - and that's absolutely OK!)

  • By the end of this programme, you'll have the foundations of a thriving business; you'll be generating more income, more regularly; you'll have clear and attractive offerings for students; be generating more enquiries and filling your classes more regularly; you'll have students coming back over and over, and referring you to their friends, and you'll sky-rocket your confidence as a teacher and a business owner.
  • A combination of short, practical training videos, each with just one step in mind, so you don't feel overwhelm; plus workbooks, templates, checklists, real life examples of what works and ample opportunities to ask questions, and get feedback on your progress.

This is about building a yoga business on your terms.

YOU have control. YOU get to decide how it looks.
From the very first moment you join, you'll know exactly what your mission is and what you're working towards in each module; you'll feel like you're making progress and building momentum, and you'll have feedback and a community of support to keep you moving forward and getting results.


So what will you get?

6 modules over 90 days - with support and coaching throughout:

Module 1

Learn how to make your personalised "Getting started plan" to bring you absolute clarity about what might be the most lucrative and achievable business plan FOR YOU at this particular time in your business and your life.  That way you can have complete confidence you're choosing the right path for you - at least for the next few months.

Module 2

Research and nail your target market so you stand out from all the competition in your area and have a clear focus which helps you serve your ideal students in the best way possible.

Module 3

Design and create at least 3 attractive offerings and experiences that meet the needs of those target students, and decide your key price points so you attract more students more quickly, and make planning and preparing your advertising a whole lot easier!

Module 4

Choose and put into place your key support systems so they support your business as you grow (and make your life a lot easier).

Module 5

Create and choose your own unique marketing pillar plan, creating at least 3 pieces of promotion for your offerings, and choose your launch strategy so you are ready to launch with a bang!

Module 6

Choose and implement at least 2 loyalty techniques to ensure your students stay with you, creating a spiral of goodwill, referrals and a great reputation upon which you can build. 

All this plus fortnightly group coaching calls and 24/7 support from the Facebook Private Community Group. 

Meet your coach: Shona

At the age of 62 and over the space of just 12 months I transitioned from being fresh out of yoga teacher training to generating almost £30,000 of regular, consistent income, teaching just 4 to 9 classes a week.

I'm now 67 and for the last 4 years I have consistently generated almost £40,000 in my business teaching a maximum of 9 classes a week - for 30 weeks of the year. For 12 weeks a year I only teach 4 classes a week. The rest I take a complete break from teaching to focus on other projects (like this or writing my book!) or to travel and take additional training.

I may not be your typical Instagram yoga model or Om magazine front cover! I may not be able to do the kick-ass gymnastic poses that seem to dominate the imagery of yoga - but you know what?  I KNOW how to attract students to my classes, keep them, and build a community and a thriving business.  

Because we all know real yoga isn't about model poses - it's about helping real people transform their health and well-being - and when you show up as YOU, you'll build your own community too. I know how to help you do that.

I believe if we want to be good yoga teachers we need to walk the talk.

Most yogis know the value of the skill of balance... yet so many aspiring yoga teachers end up burnt out working 20 classes or more a week for a pittance at gyms or studios. It's no wonder they end up quitting teaching, feeling frustrated and disillusioned. 

I want you to know it IS possible to make a living from your craft AND still have time for children, family, other interests or even - as I do - growing your business in other directions.  But you need to get the foundations in place FIRST which is EXACTLY what this programme is designed to do. It's what you may wish your yoga teacher training had taught you - but didn't!

The difference once you master the skills of business is YOU  have control; YOU get to choose from a position of strength.  And a yoga teacher who demonstrates balance in their own life makes a brilliant and inspiring yoga teacher for their students.

That's what I want for the yoga teachers I teach.

This programme  will launch officially on the 10th January 2020 with the start date of the 27th January and cost $797.

It replaces the original programme, 30 days to 30K as a yoga teacher.

Is this worth it?

Yoga teacher training probably cost you at least $2000 or more.

Have you recouped that investment? 

If you accept the mission of this programme which is to  generate over £1000 per month or a whole lot more teaching 4 to 9 classes a week, this represents a MASSIVE return on your investment, as well as transforming the way you live.

I know this programme is worth it.  It will work - if you will work it......

Your yoga teacher training may have cost you thousands –
but this course and a $397 outlay could MAKE you thousands – in as little as 90 days.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I haven’t taken my yoga teacher training yet – but am considering it. Would this course be helpful?

Will this course help me if I want to set up my own yoga studio?

Is there any other support with this course?

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