Yoga Teacher Business Intensive
Calling all yoga teachers! Is this you?

Join me for a 4 week intensive training for your
yoga business
30 days to 30k as a Yoga Teacher Programme
How to generate between £1500 and £4000 per month as a yoga teacher; in less than a year; with no “icky” selling,
and teaching no more than 9 classes a week.
What will this course give you?
A simple step by step process to follow to help you get REALLY clear about the best strategy for YOU PERSONALLY – which will play to your strengths AND differentiate you from the competition.
The truth is – yoga teacher training schools are churning out thousands of yoga teachers every day! How do you stand out? Why should students come to YOU and not the teacher down the road?
Learn how a 67 year old did it! If I can do it, I'm sure you can too.
A business blueprint which will work around your life – as well as give you an income
NO burn out!
NO to teaching 20 classes a week!
NO to being treated like a number and paid a pittance at gyms or studios!
This is about creating a business which works for YOU, and the other things which are important in your life, as well as paying your bills.
A way of attracting students to your offerings which means you don’t feel like you’re having to hustle for business.
Don’t like “selling”? Learn how to ATTRACT rather than PUSH for students to come to your classes.
A way of building loyalty – so your students come back time and time again.
If you’ve taken the time to attract those students – you want to keep them! Far easier than constantly being on the desperate look out for new students. Learn how to build relationships, commitment and a sense of community within your tribe so they wouldn’t want to go anywhere else!
No more “feast-famine”, or wondering if you'll have enough to pay the bills at the end of every month.
Learn how flexibility and imaginative pricing can keep your cash flow more consistent AND bring you “bumper” months. You can start to relax and focus on expanding what you do - if that's what you want. What matters is you're in control....
A way of building your own self-confidence – giving you a firm foundation upon which you could scale, grow or expand – SHOULD YOU WANT TO.
Want to do an online course?
Want to teach privates or run retreats?
Learn why getting the foundations you learn in the next 4 weeks in place will hep you achieve those things SO much faster.
Focus! Clarity! Support!
FOCUS: A bit like doing a yoga teacher training intensive, this is an opportunity for you to commit to working on your yoga teacher career over a 4 week period so you can actually start to see a real difference in your business. No messing! You want to do this? Then now's your chance to roll your sleeves up and get stuff done! As you'll learn on the course - you'll make it YOUR SANKALPA!
CLARITY: Get rid of the overwhelm. Get clear about the path that's right for YOU.
SUPPORT: In-built coaching is all part of this package. From live calls with me to support in the private Facebook community specially for you, I'll do everything I can to help you get to where you want to be.
And finally: a way of generating over £30k a year teaching no more than 9 classes a week.
Is this some made up figure just to sell a course? No. Within 12 months of teaching I was making this figure.
Last year I generated just shy of £40,000 sterling teaching no more than 9 classes a week. For 30 weeks of the year I teach only 4 classes a week - and I take 7 weeks holiday a year.
I'm living proof it's possible.
What will this course NOT give you?
No – You won’t make £30k in 30 days!!
BUT, if you actually take action and implement as you go along.......
- You WILL start seeing more interest/enquiries.
- You WILL have a website which works!
- You WILL have developed the best strategy for you, which will bring you real profit into your bank account in the fastest way possible.
- And you WILL have the foundations in place to grow and expand should you choose, from a strong base of business skill and confidence in what you offer to your students.
So who the heck am I?
Yoga fan and practitioner for over 40 years!
Re-trained at 62 – started my business at 63 and now 67 years old!
NOT young, super bendy (though not bad for 67!!) or into power yoga _ BUT passionate about growing old but NOT infirm!
Started small – transitioning from my coaching business to my yoga business. Tested and grew my tribe – but quite quickly!! Yoga is now my only income – and last year I hit £40,000 teaching no more than 9 classes a week - for 12-15 weeks I only teach 4 classes a week and I take 7 weeks holiday a year - and STILL generate that income.
What this means is I have time to do other projects/scale my business up if I wish. From writing my first book, to running retreats and now supporting yoga teachers online with this course, that steady income has given me the confidence and FREEDOM to choose what I want to do with the time I don't teach! And if I can do it at 67, I KNOW you can too.

I’m not special. I’m just someone who had a dream, rolled up her sleeves and did what I could to make it happen.
And you could too.
Why am I doing this?

So, are you ready for 4 weeks of intensively "upping" your business skills?
Over the next 4 weeks you will learn:
Week 1: The 7 key steps to building a thriving yoga career AND your confidence.
On this training you will:
Week 3: How to price and create a successful launch of your classes and offerings.
On this training you will:
Week 2: How to attract the students you were meant to serve; fill your classes quickly and have them coming back for more!
On this training you will:
Week 4: Advertising your yoga classes for success and preparing to grow your business AND your confidence!
On this training you will:
If you implement the things you learn on this business intensive you could be ready to launch classes which start attracting a steady stream of students in just 4 weeks - and with New Year not that far away, be in for a bumper start to 2020!

As a new Yoga teacher this training taught me all the things that I wish I had known before I launched my Yoga business. Shona's style of teaching really suited me and I could see that she had put a tremendous amount of work into the course to make it valid and valuable. The training with actions to take between each recording gave me focus and practical advice that I could implement between sessions, I really looked forward to them each week and appreciated the support of the Facebook group in between recordings. I now have the confidence, skills and tools to take my business forward in the direction I want it to go and have no doubt that I can be successful as a Yoga teacher and earn a sustainable income that's fits around my lifestyle. Thankyou Shona and my fellow learners.
Louise Johnson
The 30 days to 30k Online Intensive Programme
Consists of:

This coaching is the closest you'll get to 1-1 and group support without the price tag. Invaluable support built in to the programme.
One payment of $397
OR 3 payments of $147
Is this worth it?

Yoga teacher training probably cost you at least $3000 plus.
But if you haven't made that money back and more, then it's an expensive hobby - it's NOT a business!
I KNOW that the steps I teach in this programme work – I’m living proof of that. And other students who have taken this programme know it too.
I also know that I’m no guru; I’m no Om magazine front cover model, nor am I like the stylised yogi models you see plastered all over Instagram these days!
And I hope that inspires you! Because if I can do it - so can you.
Because becoming a successful yoga teacher is NOT about those things. It’s about loving yoga; caring about making a difference; and being just a little bit smarter than your average yoga teacher in terms of business savvy.
Your teacher training may have cost you thousands.
I average around £3000 per month teaching 4 to 9 classes a week.
That's almost ten times the outlay for this training - in ONE month!
If that's not good value - I don't know what is!
Frequently Asked Questions:
I haven’t taken my yoga teacher training yet – but am considering it. Would this course be helpful?
Will this course help me if I want to set up my own yoga studio?
This is your chance to make a REAL living
from teaching yoga
An opportunity to build the skills you're going to need in just one month, if you're serious about building a sustainable
Yoga Teaching Career
Sign up - and get ready to focus
One payment of $397
OR 3 payments of $147

Copyright 2019 - Shona Garner